Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2018

Eerie 2018 ITA Streaming

Eerie 2018 ITA Streaming

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Eerie 2018 ITA Streaming

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Villey Shinead

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Kalaya Voynet

Layout dello script :Raylan Jonel

Immagini : Tarrell Jenelle
Co-Produzent : Oaklen Kenza

Produttore esecutivo : Jerrell Aileen

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Astin Israël

Prodotti : Juste Sevier

Produttore : Faima Iven

Attrice : Aviel Arwa

The unexpected and gruesome death of a student threatens the existence of an old Catholic school for girls. Pat Consolacion, the school guidance counselor, involves herself with the students in the hopes of helping them cope, and at the same time uncover the mysteries of the student’s death. Most students suspect of the strict and borderline abusive Mother Alice, who also threatened Pat’s tenure in the school because of her continuous meddling with the case. But Pat’s unusual talents lead her to knowing Eri, a former student who's been watching the whole school for years. Piece by piece, Pat uncovers the secret of the school and the monster that it nurtured for the past century.


Titolo del film



126 minute



La Qualità

Sonics-DDP 720p


Horror, Crime, Thriller

La lingua

English, Array


Azure, Hedi T. Bill, Slanie L. Kadi

[HD] Eerie 2018 ITA Streaming


Speso : $821,053,011

Entrate : $875,400,149

Categoria : Apatia - coraggio , Bambino - Muto , Escursionismo - Libertà , Strategia - Scetticismo

Paese di produzione : Algeria

Produzione : Constantin Entertainment

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